Monday, May 26, 2014

How the Kiss Begins

digital art: ralph murre

by Cristina M.R. Norcross

It starts with the intoxicating drawing in of breath
as you lean forward,
becoming joined to your lover’s aura.
It is a melting and melding –
richer than the last dollop of butter in the pan.

The best kisses linger.
Before work,
the early morning, honeyed goodbye kiss
holds within each, soft brush of lip
the promise of more kisses
and simply – more.

You close your eyes,
just as the scent of summer skin
becomes your guide.
Your heart is a samba beat in your chest.

Next, the smallest gliding of lips finds a cheek,
allowing your mouth to wander to the fullest kiss.
Lips to lips, you stay there –
breathing in love like a thirsty climber,
until your lungs are about to burst for oxygen.
You hold the kiss just a touch longer
and fall into the embrace that knows
this will be a fleeting goodbye,
until the next kiss
brings waves of running horses to your door.

~ first published in The Lava Storyteller (Red Mare Press)