Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Raven's Croak

photo: ralph murre

The Raven’s Croak
by Tom Davis

Hunched down beside a woodpile, ebony,
In shadows from the cedars overhead,
The raven blinked black eyes, its dishabille
Of feathers rustling, stirring up a dread
So dark it seemed as if it called up from the dead
White wisps of spirits buried in the snow.
The raven hopped on top the woodpile, head
Cocked, moving like a dancer in a show,
A shadow’s shadow pantomiming woe.

Dawn’s darkness deepened as the raven leaped
Into the sky and hovered as the glow
Of blood-light saturated earth and seeped
Into the raven’s eyes, its dance undone
Until its beak croaked out the blazing sun.

~ first published in An Ariel Anthology (Ariel Woods Books)