Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Basilica . . .

sketch: ralph murre

Basilica circa AD 2000
by Stephen Anderson

A tarnished copper dome, expertly fitted
Over steel and concrete shell sheltering
Inside the ornate masterpiece of
The finest carved marble,
Exquisitely crafted wooden pews,
Polished sandstone and chiseled granite,
Richly colored murals with
Golden trim from the gilded strokes
Of master painters,
Saintly stories in stained glass
Painstakingly cut and welded with
Lead frame into whole form
By yet other Old World artisans whose
Creation, nourished by decades of
Pious devotion and religion-inspired generosity,
Rises defiantly into the new millennium
Above urban decay, gangbangers
And people searching for their
Next food pantry.

~ first published in Wisconsin Poets’ Calendar